Despite the Fourth Hokage's wish that Naruto be seen as a hero who contained the demon, the villagers of Konoha harbored a fierce hatred for the young child, since he bore the spirit of the demon who decimated their once peaceful village. Naruto wasn't even aware of the presence of the demonic entity inside him until he was twelve years old, leaving him confused for most of his childhood about why the villagers of Konoha hated him so much.
However, all the adults in the village give Naruto cold looks. The truth is, Naruto has a secret about his birth. 12 years ago, "Kyuubi no Youko" (Nine Tailed Fox - A kind of evil spirit who tormented the village, was sealed within Naruto's body who was, at the time, a baby. The head of the academy, Mizuki, uses Naruto to steal the "Fuujin Scrolls" and makes Naruto understand his past. Naruto is outraged.
However, all the adults in the village give Naruto cold looks. The truth is, Naruto has a secret about his birth. 12 years ago, "Kyuubi no Youko" (Nine Tailed Fox - A kind of evil spirit who tormented the village, was sealed within Naruto's body who was, at the time, a baby. The head of the academy, Mizuki, uses Naruto to steal the "Fuujin Scrolls" and makes Naruto understand his past. Naruto is outraged.