Fortunately, Naruto was befriended by his compassionate ninja instructor, a Chunin named Iruka Umino. Though Iruka's own parents perished at the hands of the demon fox, Iruka didn't blame Naruto for their deaths. Instead, Iruka accepted Naruto and empathized with the boy's desire to be accepted, since he too once had the same desire. He may have been the first person to believe in Naruto, and has made a lasting impact on Naruto himself. It is through Iruka's presence as Naruto's only family figure that Naruto learns to overcome his sadness.
Even with Iruka's help, Naruto just barely defeats Mizuki. Knowing Naruto's secret, Iruka knows Naruto will meet someone who'll help him and so, makes a decision. Naruto is allowed to graduate safely from Ninja Academy. Along with his classmates, Uchiwa Sasuke and Haruno Sakura together, they make their first step as Ninjas!
Even with Iruka's help, Naruto just barely defeats Mizuki. Knowing Naruto's secret, Iruka knows Naruto will meet someone who'll help him and so, makes a decision. Naruto is allowed to graduate safely from Ninja Academy. Along with his classmates, Uchiwa Sasuke and Haruno Sakura together, they make their first step as Ninjas!